

Aqua Plug

Aqua Plug

CGM, Inc.

POR-ROK® AQUA PLUG is quick sets in 3-5 minutes to stop pressure leaks in concrete and masonry surfaces. This rapid set allows POR-ROK® AQUA PLUG to bond mechanically and chemically to saturated surfaces.
(click image to enlarge)
Quick Overview
    Stops Streaming Leaks in Concrete Anchors Bolts and Rods Seals Cracks and Floor and Wall Junctions

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Non-Metallic, Non Rusting Fast Setting Stops water leaks under pressure Easy to mix Single component Expands as it sets Waterproof Chloride and metal free mortar Freeze-Thaw stable Can be shaved and molded to desired contour Once set, AQUA PLUG is resistant to hydrostatic pressure
Additional Information
Manufacturer: CGM, Inc.
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