

Handi-Foam® SPF Roof Patch Low Pressure Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF)


(click image to enlarge)
SKU / Product InfoQuantity
II-75 Handi-Foam 75 bdft (7 m2)
II-145 Handi-Foam 145 bdft (13.5 m2)
II-425 Handi-Foam 425 bdft (39.5 m2)
Quick Overview
    Handi-Foam SPF Roof Patch is designed for application where higher compressive strengths are required. Handi-Foam SPF Roof Patch is dispensed using the patented Handi-Gun Dispensing Unit for accurate and precise applications. Handi-Foam SPF Roof Patch is available in a variety of disposable sizes. Kit Contains 75 Square Feet at 1" Thick Handi-Foam SPF Roof Patch is used to repair pin holes, cracks and patch polyurethane roofs after equipment changes. Handi-Foam SPF Roof Patch has an R-value of 6-7 per inch, retaining the roofs insulation value. Additionally, SPF Roof Patch maintains the roofs' seamless, monolithic seal which prevents air and moisture infiltration. Handi-Foam SPF Roof Patch meets commercial roofing codes for compressive strength for polyurethane foam roofs. Related Items
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Manufacturer: Fomo
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