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Bang-It and Wood-Knocker Concrete InsertsProduct Description : Bang-It concrete inserts are designed for installation in and through metal composite deck(i.e. “pan-deck”) used to support newly poured concrete floors or roof slabs. After predrillingthe deck and installation, the protective sleeve of the insert protrudes below thesurface of the deck allowing overhead attachment of steel threaded rod in sizes ranging from1/4" to 7/8" in diameter. The sleeve prevents sprayed fireproofing material and acousticaldampening products from clogging the internal threads of the insert. It also prevents burying,masking or losing the insert location. The hex impact plate offers resistance torotation within the concrete as a steel threaded rod is being installed. Wood-Knocker concrete inserts are installed onto wooden forms used to support newlypoured concrete floor slabs, roof slabs or walls. When the forms are stripped, the color-codedflange is visibly embedded in the concrete surface. The inserts allow the attachment of steelthreaded rod or threaded bolts in sizes ranging from 1/4" to 3/4" in diameter. The heximpact plate offers resistance to rotation within the concrete as a steel threaded rod orthreaded bolt is being installed.A coil thread design is available for Wood-Knocker upon request in 1/2" and 3/4" sizes forforming applications. General Applications and Uses :