

Vertigo Concrete Hanger


Anchors Powers DeWalt

VERTIGO is a one-piece, all steel threaded fastening system
(click image to enlarge)
Quick Overview

  • Hanging pipe and sprinkler systems
  • Suspending conduit and cable trays
  • Lighting systems and overhead utilities
  • HVAC ductwork and strut channels
  • Suspended Ceilings
  • Mounting Security Equipment
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Vertigo    Rod Hangers

Product Description :
Vertigo is an all steel threaded fastening system for suspending steel threadedrod vertically overhead in pipe hanging, fire protection, electrical conduit and cable-trayapplications. Vertigo are available in three versions which can be installed in a variety ofbase materials including steel purlins, bar joists and beams, wood frame columns andbeams, as well as concrete ceilings, beams and columns.Steel threaded rods in 1/4", 3/8" and 1/2" diameters can be vertically suspended withVertigo. In wood and steel base materials, Vertigo is also offered in a side mount stylefor lateral installation of 1/4" and 3/8" diameter steel threaded rods onto joists, columnsand overhead members. For all steel and wood Vertigo fasteners, a universal VertigoSocket Driver is recommended to provide proper installation with a screw gun or hammerdrill. Concrete Vertigo fasteners should be installed with the appropriate size standard drivesockets and adjustable torque, battery powered screw gun or hammer drill.

General Applications and Uses :

  • Hanging pipe and sprinkler systems
  • Suspending conduit and cable trays
  • Lighting systems and overhead utilities
  • HVAC ductwork and strut channels
  • Suspended Ceilings
  • Mounting Security Equipment

  • Features and Benefits :
    + One system for all rod hanging applications in steel, wood and concrete
    + Ease and speed of overhead installation
    + Lower in-place cost, when compared to beam clamps, lag bolts and dropins
    + Steel and wood Vertigo can be installed with a screw gun or hammer drill
    + Concrete Vertigo can be installed with an adjustable torque, battery powered screw gun or hammer drill
    + Side mount versions available for steel and wood Vertigo
    + The universal socket can be used for the steel and wood Vertigo

    Approvals and Listings :
    Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FM Approvals) File No. J.I 3015153Underwriters Laboratory (UL) File No. EX 1289 (N

    Guide Specifications :
    CSI Divisions: 03151-Concrete Anchoring, 05090-Metal Fastenings and 06060-WoodConnections and Fasteners. Rod Hangers shall be Vertigo anchors as supplied by PowersFasteners, Inc., Brewster, NY.

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    Additional Information
    Manufacturer: Anchors Powers DeWalt
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