

Boron Carbide Lined Metal Jacketed BSD Series

BSD Series


A blast nozzle accelerates the air and abrasive as the mixture exits the end of the hose. The taper and length of the nozzle's inlet and outlet determine the pattern and velocity of the abrasive exiting the nozzle. The composition of the liner material determines its resistance to wear.
(click image to enlarge)
Quick Overview
  • Boron Carbide liner material is the most abrasive-resistant, durable, and economical liner material.
  • Long-venturi nozzles allow high production blasting at a distance of 18 to 24 inches for hard-to-clean surfaces, and 30 to 36 inches for loose paint and soft surfaces.
  • Expected life with expendable abrasives is approximately 1000 hours.
  • 1-inch entry provides smooth transition and maximum productivity with 1-inch ID blast hose.

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The operator inserts the nozzle washer into a contractor-thread nozzle holder and screws in the nozzle, turning it by hand, until it seats firmly against the washer.

With all related equipment correctly assembled and tested, the operator points the nozzle at the surface to be cleaned and presses the remote control handle to begin blasting. The operator holds the nozzle 18 to 36 inches from the surface and moves it smoothly at a rate that produces the desired cleanliness. Each pass should overlap slightly.

The operator must replace the nozzle once the orifice wears 1/16-inch beyond its original size.
Additional Information
Manufacturer: Clemco
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